v0.3, v0.3-3 changelogs

This post covers additional hotfixes beyond the initial 0.3 build. See below for full changelogs for each.
Greetings, pilots!
More free upgrades, compliments of Comms Interstellar, the Galactic Shipping Network, and Xanthor's Space Catering arrive in all Itch10 facilities today!
After industrial action following the recent worm-related incidents we have been required to furnish all pilots with more robust ship ameneties, support for a broader range of pilot interface configurations, keys to at least two bulkhead doors, full access to the inter-ship messaging service, the sector-standard S4-V3 backup and retrieval SLA, and three complimentary items from our surplus stores.
The manifest for this maintenance package includes:
- 4 new gestures
- 10 items that can be picked up and used as gestures
- Character customisation screen
- 9 hair variants
- 7 head variants
- More ship interior detail
- Full keyboard and gamepad controls
- Ship engine sounds
- Comms station sounds
- Door sounds
- In-game messages from other pilots
- Save/load
- UI improvements
- More NPC animations/responses
- Customiseable controls
- WIP TTS support
- Two new music tracks courtesy of Rylie James Thomas and Quenched Disorder
- Space Corp
Full v0.3-3 changelog:
- Added checklist to customisation screen
- Added WCPilot::lastInteractDate
- Added interaction collider for locked door
- Added interaction collider for bog roll
- Updated radial menu caption text to have an outline
- Updated Globals::processPilotMovement() to move pilots not in contacts list into any adjacent route that doesn't have a pilot
- Updated Globals::processPilotMovement() to force pilots in contacts list that haven't seen the player in more than 4 turns to pick a route toward the player
- Updated WCLevel::lookAngle to allow gestures to be processed when looking further away from pilots
- Updated WCLevel::spawnPilot() to update lastInteractDate for pilots in contact list
- Updated WCPilot::adjustDisposition() to update lastInteractDate
- Updated hallway back wall detailing Updated Player::_process() to clear blink states when showing customisation screen Updated Message class to extend Object rather than Node
- Fixed mirror cameras not using same environment as player camera
- Fixed wink masks sometimes getting stuck
- Fixed negative scaling on hallway back wall breaking light calculation
- Fixed NPC ship indicators for pilots not in contact list leaking in HUD::updatePilots()
- Fixed initial prop spawn in head having wrong rotation
Full v0.3-2 changelog:
- Fixed skin colour not being applied correctly when loading a save
Full v0.3-1 changelog:
- Added Globals::foundGames
- Added setupPosters() and addPoster() to WCLevel
- Added additional error logging if save data is ever null
- Added 8 poster sprites
- Added 5 special poster sprites
- Added 3 poster spawn points to ship interior
- Updated Binder::makeButton() to not use flat styling
- Updated remove binding buttons to use an icon that's more distinct from default font
- Updated other games check to look for Cloud Courier and ART for Snakes
- Fixed binder button focus style having inconsistent content margins
- Fixed gameDate not being reset when starting a new game Fixed version label being misaligned when running at resolutions above 1280x720 in settings screen
Full v0.3-0 changelog:
- Added new track from Quenched Disorder
- Added new music track from Rylie James Thomas
- Added 7 head variations
- Added 9 hair variations
- Added accessibility setting for descriptive_audio (unused)
- Added accessibility setting for descriptive_ui
- Added acknowledgement of country to credits
- Added animations for holding and presenting props
- Added a shader for pilot and ship HUD to clip to visible front viewport
- Added a stool for the radio to sit on
- Added auto_change_radio_station setting
- Added bee, cake, doughnut, harmonica, mug, pie, plant0, plant1, plant2, and telescope props
- Added binder element themes
- Added Binder implementation for all actions
- Added blur to blink mask
- Added BoneAttachment and offset Spatial for holding props in Player
- Added camera_input_relative and camera_input_absolute signals to WCPlayer
- Added caption to close and confirm buttons in map screen
- Added chute for new props to spawn in
- Added clap animations
- Added comms station open and close sounds
- Added confused and wait reaction icons
- Added controls setting for button_prompts
- Added controls settings gamepad_input, and gamepad_deadzone
- Added crossed arms animations
- Added custom cursor
- Added debug_hand shortcut (H) for toggling handedness
- Added describe functions for option, slider, button, checkbox, slider, and lineEdit widgets to Globals
- Added disable_custom_cursor setting
- Added disable_global_illumination_setting
- Added disable_mirrors_setting
- Added dispositionMax, dispositionMin, encounters, and messages to WCPilot
- Added DOOR_CHECK to Globals::CollisionLayers
- Added door open, close, and error sounds
- Added DynamicFonts for large, small, and normal variants of heading and ui fonts
- Added email/disposition screen
- Added engine sounds from Drew
- Added Engines sound bus
- Added flat placement surfaces for items
- Added Fontinator
- Added fonts to credits
- Added fullscreen shortcut (F11)
- Added gamepad bindings for all non-debug actions
- Added game version to save files
- Added gesture icons
- Added gesture_left_select (1) and gesture_right_select (3) bindings
- Added Globals::getGameDate()
- Added Globals::InputModes enum and inputModeMappings
- Added Globals::processSubstitutions()
- Added Globals::saveScreenshot() (unused)
- Added Globals::setInputMode()
- Added Globals::setupBindings()
- Added Globals::sortLocation()
- Added Godot TTS implementation
- Added GUI theme
- Added head room
- Added hidden setting for text_to_speech_onscreen_display
- Added hover and select UI sounds
- Added hover icon variants for confirm, close, and map icons
- Added HUDPilot::addReaction()
- Added HUDPilot::updateSize()
- Added HUD::showCustomisation()
- Added HUD::showEmail()
- Added HUD::showGestureSelect()
- Added HUD:updteSize()
- Added icons for glap and shrug gestures
- Added interactive doors
- Added interactive sink with character customisation flow
Added INTERACT_NO_COLLISION to Globals::CollisionLayers - Added keyboard bindings for camera control
- Added knownLikes and knownDislikes to WCPilot
- Added left and right thumbs down gesture animations
- Added legacy save handling for v0.2-11 for pending props and props
- Added loadData() and saveData() to Globals
- Added Location::importProps()
- Added Location::pendingProps
- Added logging when saving and loading
- Added Message class
- Added orbitron font (SIL)
- Added pause overlay to increase contrast of pause menu
- Added pickUpProp() and putDownProp() to player
- Added pickup ref to all props
- Added placeholder buttons on front console
- Added placement preview for held props
- Added Player::fixPos() to reposition player if inside a collider
- Added Player::leftHanded
- Added Player::setDominantHand()
- Added player::tweenCamera() for entering/leaving comms station
- Added player::tweenPos() for entering/leaving chair
- Added Player::updatePropHand()
- Added processCurrentGestures parameter to WCLevel::connectExpression()
- Added prop placement zones to mirror_test level
- Added props to mirror_test level
- Added radial gesture selection menu
- Added reticle to HUD
- Added 'retire' button to pause menu
- Added screenshot shortcut (P)
- Added second reticle to map screen to show current destination separate from hover
- Added setExpressionShape() and clearExpressionShape() to HUDPilot
- Added setupDoors() and addDoors() to WCLevel
- Added shadow and special font styling to game title in credits
- Added shape keys for smile, frown, furrowed brow, and raised brow
- Added ship proximity and depart sounds
- Added shrug animations
- Added sound for prop spawning
- Added system settings for debug_mode and log_tts_speech
- Added three random props at start of game
- Added transition wipe to main menu background
- Added TTS setup and teardown functions in Globals
- Added UI sprites for checkboxes and radio buttons
- Added universalis font (GPL2+ with font exception)
- Added UV offset for pilots and player for skin colour changes
- Added VecToArray() and ArrayToVec() to Globals
- Added wave animation
- Added WCLevel::AdjustEngines()
- Added WCLevel::checkPropCute() to toggle lights and indicator
- Added WCPilot::addMessage()
- Added WCPilot::getUnreadMessageCount()
- Added WCPilot::remarkedGestures
- Added WCPlayer::gamepadSensiticity for InputAction look processing
- Added WCPlayer::selectGesture()
- Added WCPlayer::setCameraInput()
- Added Globals::openURL()
- Added website button to main menu
- Added MainMenu::doWebsite()
- Updated WCPlayer::_ready() to not call enterChair() or instantiateBollocks() when in mirror_test level
- Updated omelet to remember with revised track from Hodge
- Updated all gesture animations to be looping
- Updated all volume sliders to go use 5% increments
- Updated build system to deploy fonts
- Updated chair model to use palettemat
- Updated cockpit console with some initial detailing
- Updated controls settings screen to show bindings via Binder instead of placeholder bindings string
- Updated debug_pause shortcut to be O
- Updated disposition threadholds to be higher
- Updated error sound to be wav
- Updated export templates to exclude fonts
- Updated game to ignore WM quit signal and call doQuit instead (will save on exit with Alt+F4 now)
- Updated Globals::loadData() to handle legacy prop save data for v0.2-23 and older
- Updated Globals::processPilotMovement() to advance gameDate
- Updated Globals::processPilotMovement() to skip pilots with null locations
- Updated Globals::setButtonHover() to play hover sound and grab focus
- Updated Globals::setupGame() not call setupPilots() for mirror_test level
- Updated Globals::setupLevel() not call WCLevel::setPilotList() for mirror_test level
- Updated Globals::setupMirrors() to be recursive
- Updated Globals::setupPilots() to add 3 likes and 3 dislikes to each pilot
- Updated Globals::setupPilots() to use WCPlayer::gesturesLeftRight
- Updated Globals::teardownLevel() to clear pilots list, locations list, inTransit flag, and current/pending locations
- Updated Globals::teardownLevel() to take an optional doEnd bool
- Updated HUD::clearCurrentScreen() to take an optional grabMouse argument
- Updated HUDPilot and ShipHUD to only show frame when lookingAt is true
- Updated HUDPilot portrait fraiming to be closer
- Updated HUDPilot to always always use white modulate
- Updated HUD::setPilotReaction() to always show crossed arms for dislike
- Updated HUD::setPilotReaction() to always show rest for unspecified
- Updated HUD::setPilotReaction() to always show thumbs down for hate
- Updated HUD::setPilotReaction() to call HUDPilot::addReaction() instead of manipulating reaction icons directly
- Updated HUD::setPilotReaction() to handle love, confused and hate reactions
- Updated HUD::setPilotReaction() to only do double reaction randomly for high disposition
- Updated HUD::setPilotReaction() to use new mouth and brow shape keys with varying intensity for disposition
- Updated HUD::setupPilot() to set modulate on HBoxConatiner
- Updated HUD::showShipMessge() to describe message
- Updated HUD::updateInteractText() to call processSubstitutions()
- Updated HUD::updatePilots() to create a map indicator for each pilot
- Updated instructions screen to be scrollable with look_up and look_down controls
- Updated Instructions screen to call setButtonHover() for buttons
- Updated instructions screen to centre instructions when notes are not visible
- Updated locations list to be sorted to aid with assigning focus neighbours
- Updated MaineMenu to call setButtonHover() for buttons
- Updated MainMenu::doEndGame() to delete save file
- Updated MainMenu::doNewGame() to hide menu buttons before calling Globals::setupGame() to better communicate that the game is loading
- Updated MainMenu::doNewGame() to set input mode
- Updated MainMenu::doNewGame() to yield idle frames so that shader compilation happens before main menu disappears
- Updated MainMenu::doQuit() to print orphaned nodes
- Updated MainMenu::doQuit() to save progress
- Updated MainMenu::doUnpause() to set input mode when loading a save
- Updated MainMenu::_input() to handle all global shortcuts
- Updated MainMenu::_input() to handle handle closing instructions with escape
- Updated map screen close buttons to be further away from the screen edge
- Updated Map screen to be keyboard/gamepad navigable
- Updated map to show highlight on pilots departing location on mouse over
- Updated Map::updateMap() to assign left/right focus neighbours to all location icons
- Updated Menu::doEndGame() to setup transition tween for wipe mask and indirectly call doEndGameReal()
- Updated Menu::doNewGame() to hopefully hide some more shader compilation nonsense
- Updated Menu::doNewGame() to play select sound before instantiating stuff
- Updated mirror_test level to instantiate all head variants
- Updated NPC interaction distance to be larger for all dispositions and derived from spawnDistance
- Updated palette.png to replace bottom row greens with yellows
- Updated player camera to be centred over player origin
- Updated Player to instantiate materials to uncached force shader compilation to happen immediately on level load
- Updated Player::updateHUD() to always update regardless of whether currentobject has changed
- Updated Player::updateHUD() to set appropriate interaction text for props
- Updated Radio::findRadioInstance() to shuffle stationList before yielding
- Updated Radio::findRadioInstance() to take an optional changeStation bool
- Updated radio receiver to rotate when turned on
- Updated setHeading() and arrive() to call setAutopilot() in WCLevel
- Updated settings update functions to play select sounds
- Updated spawnStation() and despawnStation() to change engine volume and pitch
- Updated travel particles to preprocess for longer than particle lifetime
- Updated UI, HUD elements, and map screen to scale/reposition with resolution change
- Updated unpause button to function as load button when save file is present and no player has been created
- Updated WCExpresion::checkExpression() to trigger processing for props that aren't liked or disliked
- Updated WCExpression::checkExpression() to immedaitely process expression when a like or dislike is detected
- Updated WCLevel::adjustEngines() to handle travel particle visibility
- Updated WCLevel::adjustEngines() to scale travel particles to suggest acceleration/decceleration
- Updated WCLevel and Player import/export to use new VecToArray() and ArrayToVec() functions
- Updated WCLevel::arrive() to save when arriving at a location (without backup)
- Updated WCLevel::arrive() to spawn any pending props at the new location
- Updated WCLevel::arrive() to take an optional processPilots bool
- Updated WCLevel::connectExpression() to process currently held gesture/wink
- Updated WCLevel::connectExpression() to take an optional newExpression bool
- Updated WCLevel::despawnStation and spawnStation() to not directly control travel particle visibility
- Updated WCLevel::lookAngle to restrict in-chair camera movement more
- Updated WCLevel::_process() allow pilot interaction sooner for higher dispositions
- Updated WCLevel::processExpression() to allow likes and dislikes to be used multiple times, but only once per encounter
- Updated WCLevel::processExpression() to call connectExpression() again to allow for up to 3 interactions per encounter with an already familiar pilot
- Updated WCLevel::processExpression() to give extra disposition offset for likes/dislikes
- Updated WCLevel::processExpression() to handle props that aren't liked or disliked
- Updated WCLevel::processExpression() to take the expression being processed as well as the disposition adjustment
- Updated WCLevel::processExpression() to trigger love and hate responses for liked and disliked props
- Updated WCLevel::readExpression() to check for liked/disliked/from props
- Updated WCLevel::_ready() to not call setPilotList()
- Updated WCLevel::setupGroundPlane() to handle multiple floor meshes
- Updated WCPilot::adjustDisposition() to generate placeholder when crossing disposition thresholds
- Updated WCPilot::adjustDisposition() to generate specific messages for any props that are from that pilot
- Updated WCPilot::adjustDisposition() to increment encounters
- Updated WCPilot::adjustDisposition() to leave a pending prop at the pilot's current destination when crossing max disposition threshold
- Updated WCPilot::adjustDisposition() to update disposition min/max
- Updated WCPlayer::enterChair() to set transform origin rather than calling translate() when moving chair collider just in case it's ended up somewhere weird (or if enterChair() is called twice)
- Updated WCPlayer::_physics_process() to emit camera_input_signals when skipping camera input processing
- Updated WCPlayer::_process() to handle InputAction bindings for look axes
- Updated WCPlayer::updateHUD() to use substitution strings for button prompts
- Refactored camera processing from _physics_process() into updateCameraY() and updateCameraX() in WCPlayer
- Refactored crouch processing to use crouchHeight variable in Player
- Refactored gesture handling in WCPlayer::_process() into playGesture()
- Refactored HUDPilot character image to be its own reusable scene
- Refactored input handling from Globals into MainMenu::_input() using InputActions
- Refactored MainMenu::_unhandled_input() into MainMenu::_input() usign InputActions
- Refactored Map::closeMap() into Map::close()
- Refactored Map::drawPilot() to be HUD::drawPilot()
- Refactored Map::updatePliots() to be HUD::updatePilots()
- Refactored Menu::doEndGame() into doEndGameReal()
- Refactored pause and mouse grab toggles from WCPlayer::_process() into MainMenu::_input()
- Refactored updateHUD() calls to only occur automatically when player has moved or moved camera
- Renamed gesture_left_select (and right) InputAction to select_gesture_left (and right)
- Renamed move_crouch InputAction crouchinate
- Renamed move_run InputAction move_faster (no running on the spaceship! >:C )
- Renamed ui_fast_forward InputAction daydream
- Removed all game-specific InputMap bindings
- Removed references to non-existent settings categoryies in Settings::resetSettings()
- Removed some extraneous logging
- Removed some extraneous prints
- Removed some unused materials
- Removed unused variable from WCExpression
- Removed unused variable from WCLevel
- Fixed alignment of caption when mousing over pilots in the map screen
- Fixed bad check for current wink gestures in WCLevel::connectExpression()
- Fixed case where player could be raised out of cockpit by exiting chair while holding crouch
- Fixed case where wrong lines would be drawn on map screen for current location when not in transit
- Fixed charcter model using extra materials
- Fixed crash when quitting mirror_test level
- Fixed crash when starting a new game with radio on by default
- Fixed Fixed Globals::loadOgg() never loading external audio if internal file is present
- Fixed level not being freed properly when ending game
- Fixed mirror addon only being able to handle a single mirror shape (backport of upstream https://github.com/Norodix/GodotMirror/commit/cb6207efc5120fc3cb1c31bf1f9aec2203... )
- Fixed possible crash caused by pilot references not being cleared properly when tearing down level
- Fixed possible crash when using debug shortcut to reload music
- Fixed reset settings option not behaving as expected for control settings
- Fixed WCLevel::_process() calling HUD::setPilotListenState() when not in chair
Get Wink Commander (7DFPS 2024)
Wink Commander (7DFPS 2024)
A game about winking at spaceships
Status | Prototype |
Author | Cheeseness |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | Low-poly, relationship, Space, wink |
Languages | English |
More posts
- Wink Commander Postmortem Part 3: Space Tunes51 days ago
- Wink Commander Postmortem Part 2: Post-jam Development51 days ago
- Wink Commander Postmortem Part 1: Inspirations & 7DFPS51 days ago
- v0.3-6 changelog51 days ago
- v0.2-1 changelogDec 17, 2024
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